6 Hidden Michelin Tire Noise Problems & Possible Solutions

The ride quality of a vehicle depends on different factors. One of such factors is the quality and how noiseless the tires are. Though Michelin tires are popular for their durability, quality, and many other pros, many users have, however, observed that the tires make noise.

Well, this is surprising to many loyal customers of Michelin tires but they would like to know the reason for this. Check out this article for more information.


Michelin tire noise problems

A well-installed tire and wheel should not only spin smoothly when you are on the road, but they should also make less noise.

However, there are instances where tires could start making disturbing noise. In such instances, most car owners cannot easily phantom the reason for the noise. The following are some of the reasons why your Michelin tire could make noise.

1. Stress

The tires are designed to withstand and survive on different road surfaces. The good news is that Michelin tires are the choice of many for their many pros.

However, do you know that Michelin tires could start making noise when you stress them on the road? For instance, sudden acceleration, braking, cornering, and other forms of activities that stress the tire.

2. Air pressure

For your safety and the durability of the tires, you have to maintain the recommended pressure level in the tires. Going over or below the recommended level is not only risky, the tires would likely make noise when the car is in motion.

Though it is good to maintain the recommended pressure level, many users have also stated that their Michelin tires make noise despite doing this. What can you then do in such a situation?

3. Compressed air

Michelin tires need to compress air in the tread for it to move smoothly during contact with different road surfaces. For instance, air would be compressed and released as a different part of the tire comes in contact with the road. Though this is needed for the tires to run smoothly, it could also lead to noise.

4. Cargo

You should know that the car has recommended cargo weight, the same as the tire. In a situation where you have weighted down the tires with Cargo that is beyond its capacity, it will likely make noise. The noise would be disturbing when you pressurize the tires by accelerating again.

5. Wear

The truth is you cannot compare the effectiveness of a new tire with the way a worn tire will work. Though Michelin tires come with 6 years warranty that, however, doesn’t mean that the tires cannot wear out in less than 6 years, especially when subjected to some hard conditions and lack of care. So, if the Michelin tire is worn, it will likely make noise.

6. Maintenance issue

This problem deals with the way you care for the tires and your car. In a situation where the car’s bearing is not in good order, the tires would likely make noise when you are in motion.

Nevertheless, there is another maintenance issue that could make the Michelin tires make noise. For instance, the alignment and the balancing of the vehicle.

How do I troubleshoot the Michelin tire that makes noise

You will likely get worried when you hit the road after the regular inspection of Michelin tires and it starts making noise. The fear of uncertainties will not make you concentrate on the road. In such a situation, you need to calm down and follow the solutions highlighted below.

Park the car

It has been stated earlier that stress could trigger noise from Michelin tires. The first thing that you should do, just like when you notice another problem with the car, is to park immediately.

You can then inspect the tires for any potential damage maybe during the sudden cornering. If possible, you can reduce the speed and desist from sudden braking. Moreover, you can retighten the lug nuts to the recommended level by the manufacturer.

Reduce the pressure on the tires

In a situation where there is no technical issue, the step highlighted above should be enough to resolve the problem.

However, you can reduce the pressure in the tires if the noise persists. For instance, you can reduce the pressure by 1 or 2 PSI. This should be a momentary solution until you see a wheel specialist. It is recommended that you see a wheel specialist that same day, if possible.

Contact Michelin

If the warranty of the tire is still valid, you can contact Michelin for proper assistance. The problem may be technical. Hence, the company will recommend some of the things you can do to resolve the issue.

See a wheel specialist

Doing the steps above could serve as the momentary solution; what happens when you have to move at a higher speed again? That is why you have to see a tire specialist. In most instances, the specialist would test drive the car for a few minutes, try to diagnose the problem, and proffer a lasting solution. Do not hesitate to do what the specialist recommends.

For instance, the specialist could recommend doing the balancing, alignment, or bearing of the car. Doing this will take away the noise and ensure safety on the road.

Things you should consider when you want to buy tires

The tire is one of the parts of the car that you should not joke with. This is because it is the only part that is exposed to quick wear due to exposure to different road surfaces.

There is an even higher risk when you drive a vehicle with worn or wrong tires. Here is a list of some of the factors you should consider when you want to buy new tires.


Your car has specifications for different parts. For instance, the size of the tire, the size of the rim, and many more. Buying a part that is not within the specification of the manufacturer will easily wear the tires. Before you go to the market to shop for new tires, you should know the requirements of your car.


You should not compromise with quality when you want to buy tires, irrespective of the price. You are not only subjecting yourself and your passengers to risk when you buy a tire of lesser quality, but you are also wasting money.

The less quality tire will wear quickly and you will have to replace it. One of the quality products you can get in the market is Michelin tires. Moreover, you can consider tires with noise suppressing capacity.

Cargo capability

Each tire has its recommended load capacity. The implication of this is that you are subjecting yourself and the tires to risk whenever you exceed the load capacity of the tires. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a tire with the capacity to carry your cargo with ease.  

Fuel economy

Did you know that the tires can determine the fuel consumption of the car? That is why you need to know the specifications, pros, and cons of the tire you want to buy. I am sure you will not want to buy a tire that will increase the fuel consumption of your car.

Driving conditions

Though tires are designed to move the car in different road conditions, they survive better in different conditions. For instance, some tires perform better on tarred roads while some are designed to work on off-roads. You should know the condition of the road you will use the tires often before you go to the market.

What are the things I can do to get top performance from my Michelin tires? 

Michelin tires are considered quality products and they come with a 6 years warranty. This, however, doesn’t mean that the tires cannot get damaged within the shortest duration, depending on how you care for them. If you want top performance from your Michelin tires for a longer duration, below are some of the things you should do.

Tire pressure

The pressure in the tire is important if you want to get the best from your tires. It is recommended that you check it often, especially during extreme weather. Once the pressure is low beyond the recommended level, you should inflate. You should, however, avoid overinflation of the tires.

Loading guidelines

One of the easiest ways to ruin the tires is to load the vehicle beyond capacity. You should check the manual of the car for loading capacity. Apart from this, you should also consider the recommendation of the tire by the manufacturer.

Trust an expert

Doing the highlighted steps above is not enough to keep the tires in good condition for a longer duration. You have to trust an expert also. For instance, the expert will handle the balancing, alignment, and bearing of the car. You should also go to an expert to check the car once you replace any of the tires.

Michelin Tire Noise Problems – Conclusion

Being a quality product doesn’t mean that Michelin tires cannot make noise, especially under some conditions. With proper care, you can prevent any problem with the Michelin tires. 

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