4 Hidden Michelin XPS Rib Tire Problems & Possible Solutions

No truck owner wants to install a new set of tires on their truck and start experiencing problems with them. Apart from the cost of buying new tires for your truck, it is also stressful when you have to start dealing with tires, especially when the truck is loaded with cargo.

Though you can rely on the information of the dealer, you can also source information from previous users. There are many options when you want to buy a tire for your truck but the Michelin XPS rib tire is one of the most popular. Do you know the problem with the tire? Keep reading for more information.


Michelin XPS Rib Tire Problems

Michelin does not need an introduction when it comes to tires. While the company has a reputation for quality and durable products, there are still instances where users experience some issues with their products.

In this article, we will discuss the likely problems of the Michelin XPS rib tire, what you can do to fix the problem, and other useful information. The following are some of the problems with the Michelin XPS rib tire.

1. Traction

Irrespective of the nature of the road where you cruise the truck, you need better traction and handling for your safety and that of the truck. Though the Michelin XPS rib tire has good traction, some users have stated that they experienced difficulty in handling their truck while the Michelin XPS rib tire was installed on their truck.

Most users stated that they experienced the problem during winter or when the road is wet. This could be problematic when there is cargo in the truck.

2. Easy wear

Did you know that most Michelin products come with a 6 years warranty? This is to tell you the quality of their product. However, the tire might become unfit before the end of the 6 years.

Though Michelin claims that the problem of easy wear of the Michelin XPS rib tire arises from ownership and care, many users have the same story about it. However, you could get a discount when you want to replace the worn tires and the warranty is still valid.

3. Blowout

This is the fear of many truck owners. Nobody wants a tire blowout when the truck is in motion. This is because a sudden blowout of the tire could lead to other hazards. Well, many users of the Michelin XPS rib tire stated that they experienced a blowout.

From further probe, the problem is likely to arise when the truck is loaded beyond the capacity of the tires. In instances like this, a blowout is inevitable.

4. Vibration

The vibration of the wheel could be caused by many factors. The rim, lug nuts, state of the tire, and other factors could make the tire vibrate.

Nevertheless, many users of the Michelin XPS rib tire have stated that the tire vibrates once they have them installed. In such instances, the problem could also arise from balancing and alignment issues.

The solution to some of the problems of Michelin XPS rib tire

While there is a chance that you will experience the problem highlighted above when you mount the Michelin XPS rib tire on your truck, there is also a solution to it. Below are some of the ways of resolving the problem with the Michelin XPS rib tire.

Ensure proper mounting

Some of the problems highlighted above are better avoided when you mount the Michelin XPS rib tire accurately. For instance, the size of the rim is important, torquing of the lug nuts, balancing, alignment, and bearing. Once you mount a new Michelin XPS rib tire on your truck, you should go to a wheel expert for the balancing of the truck.

Slow down

In a situation where you begin to experience difficulty with traction when the road is wet or during winter, it is recommended that you move at a slower speed. Doing this will make it easy to control the truck and ensure your safety. You can then seek the help of a professional when you get to your destination safely.  

Call Michelin

Many users of Michelin XPS rib tires believe that the problem they experience with the tire could be an error during manufacturing. Meanwhile, Michelin stated that users shouldn’t have issues with the tires and that is why they stood by it with a lengthy warranty. Once you start experiencing problems with the tire, you can contact your dealer for possible replacement or you get a new one at a discounted price.

Go to the wheel shop

You cannot know some of the problems with the Michelin XPS rib tire by mere physical inspection. That is why you need the service of an expert. Once you notice any of the problems, you should go to the nearest wheel expert for a proper assessment and solution.

It is recommended that you follow the counsel of the professional. However, in a situation where the problem persists after you have done what the wheel expert suggested, it will be wise if you go to another wheel expert.

How can I avoid the problems with the Michelin XPS rib tire?

Did you know that some of the problems with Michelin XPS rib tires can be avoided? If not, you are about to learn about the things you can do to avoid them.

It has been stated earlier that Michelin claims that most of the problems users experienced with Michelin XPS rib tires arise from maintenance and ownership. Below are some of the things you can do to avoid the problems.

Regular inspection

Physical inspection of the tires could be what you need to avoid some issues with the tire. For instance, you will know if the tire is wearing out quickly when you inspect it.

You will also discover loose lug nuts, possibly out of round, and other likely negligible things that could lead to a bigger problem. It is recommended that you fix any problem you notice during inspection swiftly. You should not hesitate to seek the help of an expert if there is any you cannot fix yourself.

Proper care for the tire

Some of the problems of the Michelin XPS rib tire are due to the lack of care. If you want to avoid the problems, you should care for the tires correctly.

For instance, you must mount them properly, ensure balancing, and wash them. Moreover, you should always check the pressure level. Make sure you maintain the recommended level.

Do not exceed the limit

The Michelin XPS rib tire has a maximum load capacity. You are not only wearing the tire when you load the truck beyond the capacity of the tire, you are potentially risking the tire. Most of the blowout that happens with the Michelin XPS rib tire arises due to truck owners exceeding the load capacity of the truck.

Make sure you do the right thing

Mounting quality tires such as Michelin XPS rib tires is not enough to keep you out of problems. You need to do other things also. For instance, you must ensure that the weight of the truck is properly balanced, the truck is aligned, and the bearing is in good order. Moreover, make sure you follow other wheel specifications of the truck.

What are the things I should consider before buying a new tire for my truck?

On many occasions, many truck owners limit their research when they want to buy new tires for their truck to the recommendation of the dealer, their friend, or people’s comments about the tire.

While such information might be regarded as reliable, they are not sufficient enough for you to buy the best tire at times. There are other things you need to consider before you go to the market. Here is a list of some of the things you should consider when you want to buy new tires for your truck.


There are many manufacturers of tires and some of them have been in existence for many decades. Not only that, they have built a good reputation for themselves over the years. This, however, doesn’t mean that you will not experience issues with their product when you buy them.


The fact that a tire is more expensive than others doesn’t mean that the tire is more durable than others. You should have a budget for the tire you want to buy. Nevertheless, you should not compromise quality, irrespective of the price.


The manufacturer offers a warranty with their product to show that their product is durable. If you want to buy any tire for your truck, you should opt for the one with a lengthy warranty.


Your truck has wheel specifications and the tire has load capacity also. When you want to buy a new tire for your truck, make sure you buy the one that meets the requirements of your truck.

Also, you should consider the weight of the cargo you will likely carry. Ask yourself if the tire you want to buy can carry such a load.

Road surface

Where you will cruise the truck often also matters. If you want to buy a new tire, you should consider a tire that will fit best for the nature of the road, whether tarred or off-roads.

Michelin XPS Rib Tire Problems – Conclusion

There are some complaints about the Michelin XPS rib tire but most of the problem arises from ownership. With proper care, you can avoid the problem. Some of the things you can do to fix the problem have also been highlighted in this article. 

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