Are Tire Pressure Sensors Covered Under Warranty?

Compared to old model cars, today, we have come very far from what was obtainable some years ago. Modern vehicles keep a tab on not only the amount of gas in your car tank but also the air pressure in all four tires.

This information and more are displayed on the dashboard to help the driver take prompt action. When the tire pressure sensors start feeding you wrong and misleading information, if they are unresponsive to repair attempts, then replacement is due.

Are they however part of the car parts covered by the warranty policy?

So, are tire pressure sensors covered under warranty? A survey of different experiences of car owners who sought to repair or replace their tire pressure sensors showed that while some did have this easy and got their sensors replaced, others were either unable to have this done on account of denial from their dealers or manufacturers.

This revealed a variation of warranty cover amongst dealers and manufacturers. When your tire pressure sensor goes bad, there is no saying whether you have to pay for the diagnosis, repair, or replacement or whether this cost will be covered under the warranty until you hear from your dealer or directly from the company.

When the tire pressure sensor light appears on the dashboard or remains persistent, this should not be taken as a faulty tire pressure sensor or as the presence of an underlying problem.

Yes, most of the time, the defective tire pressure sensors cause the light to remain persistent on the dashboard, but not always.

Sometimes, the light is indicative of a true low tire pressure situation, by ruling this as an erroneous reading of the tire pressure sensors, you risk driving around with a below optimal level of air in your tires, putting you at risk of damage to the rim and sidewall.

Not to apportion any blame here, but some car owners do not have any reasonable amount of knowledge about the tire pressure sensors.

This could partly be because this is a fairly new technology and not much is understood about it, or simply a chronic attitude towards most things that concern their cars.

Whatever the reason may be, a consequence of such a cross lack of knowledge about the sensors will cause you to spend unnecessarily on them.

For example, following the re-inflation of the tires, there should be a recalibration of the tire pressure sensors else, the sensors may continue to misread the tire pressures. The mechanic will simply have this done and charge you for your ignorance.

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Is the replacement of a bad tire pressure sensor covered under warranty?

Yes, they are. This is what is obtainable with many car manufacturers except for a few who may not list the tore pressure sensors as one of the items covered under the warranty.

As will be discussed later, the manufacturers who grant this warranty may also have a set of conditions that when violated may cost the car owner the opportunity of having the replacement of the tire pressure sensors paid for.

Although not as fragile as an egg, the tire pressure sensors are relatively more fragile than other car parts and therefore may be defective more often than other car parts.

As long as the fault in the tire pressure sensors is not caused by factors that nullify the warranty, the cost of their diagnosis, fixing, or replacement should be forwarded by the dealer to the manufacturing company.

Sometimes, the car owner may not be able to lay claim to the warranty cover for the tire pressure sensors because of practices such as the use of tire sealants.

Most studies show that many car owners out there know only little about the tire pressure sensors, what damages them, and how to have them fixed. Many are equally unaware about the warranty cover for a faulty tire pressure sensor and what can coat you this warranty cover

The recalibration of the tire pressure sensor following addressing the under-inflated or overinflated tires could be the last step required to restore the normal function of the tire pressure sensors. This is especially true when you complete the swapping of your car tires.

Practice is done to increase the lifespan of the tires. since the tire pressure is essentially dumb and does not do an actual measure of the air pressure but compares this with the preset normal pressure, they can not tell when the tires have been swapped.

Following a tire swap, without a recalibration, the pressure in the front tire which is now in the rear tire’s position read as under-inflated or as being overinflated which will cause the dashboard light to stay on. 

What is the duration of the warranty cover for tire pressure sensors?

Starting from the date of purchase, the tire pressure sensors for companies that offer a warranty cover them will be under such cover for up to 5 years. A different way of stating this is in the miles covered by the car. In this regard, the warranty is valid until up to 60, 000 miles. 

If you must have the tire pressure sensor looked at, fixed, or replaced, then this should be done within this period if you are to benefit from the warranty coverage. Once this period has elapsed, any further repairs or replacement of the tire pressure sensors will be paid for from your pocket.

While there are dealers who are only interested in digging up what disqualifies you from the warranty cover to get you to pay for the repair or replacement, the generous types would mind that the miles covered are a little about 60, 000 or 36, 000 miles and will have this paid for.

Note that the duration of the warranty cover is not the same for all car models and companies. Some only offer a warranty of 3 years or 36 000 miles while the duration for others is 5 years or 60, 000 miles. This information can be obtained freely from the manufacturing company.

What can void the warranty cover of tire pressure sensors?

So, here is a funny but true story that happened with my friend who contacted the manufacturing company to have his sensors replaced under the warranty cover.

He first reached out to his dealer, and the tire dealer’s words came to him as a shock when he mentioned the tire pressure sensors not being covered by warranty.

While still in a state of disbelief and suspicion, he contacted the manufacturing company. His suspicion was reinforced by rumors of some dealers attempting to cone car owners, forcing them to pay for items originally covert under warranty.

Yes, the manufacturing company volunteered the information that the tire pressure sensors are covered under their warranty, however, they asked whether he still had the original wheel and rim on.

At this point, he knew they were about to come up with a rule that will deny him the warranty cover, so he said yes. 

He unlike many out there was lucky to have the old original rim and tires somewhere in the garage, and all he did was have them installed temporality to have them approved and to allow him to get the sensors without paying for them.

So, are you willing to go through all this or would you rather get new sensors by paying for them from your pocket? 

Many consider this rule an unnecessary criterion for a warranty cover. This should not make up the criteria for the validity of a warranty cover, or should it?

The company’s position can be said to be justified when the effect of aftermarket tires and rim on the tire pressure sensors is considered.

Some dealers are very keen on making sure the sensors are only worked on by them. When the sensors have in the past been taken to other than the dealer, where they may have been fixed, the dealer may no longer feel obliged to honor the warranty cover.

Tire Pressure Sensor Replacement Cost

So much has been said about warranty cover of car parts repair and replacement costs. Most argue that it costs a fortune.

We however, need to consider the fact that, not all car owners fall under the same social-economic class. Isn’t this why we all try to buy specific cars that are within our means?

So, what’s the cost of replacing your tire pressure sensor? On average, you’ll have to spend between $80 to $150, while the sensors themselves cost about $180 to $680 depending on the model.

This puts the total cost of the items plus the service fee somewhere between $230 to $750.

Which item is not covered under the car warranty?

The agitation for a warranty cover for tire pressure sensor is justified, however, for car parts such as the tires which are constantly under duress and gets worn out over time, they are not to be expected to have a warranty cover.

Most companies have a comprehensive list of items covered and those excluded, you can only lay claim on those within the list.

Are Tire Pressure Sensors Covered Under Warranty – Conclusion

Following the installation of the tire pressure sensors, take all the time to vary their functionality before walking out of the shop.

When you notice a malfunction of the tire pressure sensor, email the manufacturers or reach out to your dealer for the benefit of the warranty cover when you have fulfilled the warranty condition starting from the duration of the cover.

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