Hitting a curb with your car can have very devastating effects on it, the severity of which will depend on the speed and force with which you strike the curb.
As you hit the curb, a strong tremor runs through the entire vehicle with significant implications. Components that are mostly at risk include the tires, the suspension equipment, the steering, the wheel rims, and in fact, many other parts.
The rims may be disfigured and knocked out of shape with obvious consequences, while the paintwork on the fender and vehicle sidings, may also suffer in the impact.
We must not forget that the underside of the vehicle( also known as the bottom plate) itself may not be spared. We shall, in the course of this article, look at what can happen and also what your response should be when that happens.
So, can hitting a curb cause a flat tire? Yes. When a vehicle hits a curb, a lot of things are bound to happen depending on the force of the collision. To start with, the wheel rim can buckle or bend out of shape. When this happens, the tight seal given to the tire by the rim is lost and air can then freely escape.
Secondly, the sidewall of the tire can be torn since it is the most vulnerable part of the tire.
This is because, unlike other parts of the tire, the sidewall has no steel wires to fortify it, which makes tear very easy on collision with a curb.
In response, therefore, we should note that one of the commonest means of getting a flat is by hitting a curb.(Read Also:Can You Drive Without Axle Nuts?)
Another way through which you can get a flat is when the tire forcefully impacts the curb and gets torn at places other than the sidewall such as its crown.
Depending on the age and status of the tire, it is also easy to see that old and worn-out tires are very prone to quick blowouts than new strong tires are.
Is It Bad To Drive Over A Curb?
Yes, it sure is. This is because hitting a curb can lead to several malfunctions and damage to your car. First and foremost, your front tires that come in contact with the curb first, are liable to be damaged and so are the front rims too.
Your front fender is also likely to be shattered on impact with the curb and so is your steering and vehicle suspension equipment.
The suspension equipment includes shock absorbers that allow you complete control of the vehicle and also lessen the discomfort associated with driving through potholes and across gallops in the road.
Driving over a curb can also severely affect the paintwork on the car by way of tearing or bruising the side of the impact. The strong impulse or tremor that runs into the vehicle upon collision with the curb can also affect many other functions and parts of the car. So, yes, it is bad to drive over a curb.
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What Should I Look For After Hitting A Curb?
Many things are liable to happen to any vehicle that hits a curb, though the severity of the damage will depend on the force of the collision, the hardness of the curb, and also the speed of the vehicle at the moment of impact.
To start with, your front tires and their rims are liable to buckle or get out of shape. They may even be forced to look in different directions altogether, which will make driving difficult or impossible.
The suspension equipment of the vehicle may get shattered too and thus, begin to leak. Notable among the suspension equipment are the shock absorbers.
So, immediately after impact and even much later afterwards, lookout for signs of leakage from the shock absorbers. Bent rims will cause an unavoidable air leak from the affected tires, either immediately or after some time.
In any case, watch out for flat tires or a situation where the tires are self-deflating gradually. When any vehicle hits a curb, the most vulnerable part of the tire known as the sidewall can be torn or punctured irreparably.
Most tire injuries around the sidewall are not repairable. Other things to watch out for in the car, when you hit a curb, are shattered fenders and bruised or destroyed side paintwork.
In very extreme circumstances, the undercarriage of the car or what is sometimes called the bottom plate, maybe seriously destroyed. In such instances, look out for possible leakage of engine oil from beneath the vehicle.
This leakage may be immediate or delayed for some time. Upon impact, the steering wheel is another likely victim, by way of either getting bent or obstructed from being used smoothly by anyone.
What Damage Can Be Caused By Hitting A Curb?
By hitting a curb, vehicle tires can be torn severely and their rims distorted or bent out of shape. The front tires and rims are more at risk than those in the rear.
Similarly, the steering wheel may become stiff or even impossible to turn as usual. This means that there is no more proper control of the vehicle. Pieces of glass from shattered windshields and headlights, torn parts of your front fender, and other lights may be visible on impact at the site of the collision.
When the steering wheel or rims are bent and distorted, the vehicle may become stiff and difficult to control. Very strong and forceful collisions may cause the chassis to be distorted out of shape, which will give the vehicle a crooked appearance.
When the suspension of a vehicle is damaged, common signs to observe are the vehicle bounces in motion, while you may get tossed from side to side of the car. (Read Also: Is It Bad For Your Tires To Rub?Find Out Now)
To worsen matters, a broken suspension may cause the vehicle to slam down forcefully when it goes over a bump. Finally, hitting curbs can damage the vehicle’s tie rods, which are connections between the steering column, driveshaft, and wheels.
These rods reduce the ability to control the car, especially at turns. The sway bars (or anti-roll bar) can also get broken in cases of heavy impacts with a curb.
Since the sway bars prevent the car from swaying on the road, then a broken or disconnected sway bar will manifest as a rattling noise in the car and very poor vehicular control.
Hitting a curb can lead to damage to your transmission case that can affect how you move the vehicle, especially if it is a four-wheel-drive type.
Running over a curb can also bruise and consequently disconnect linkages and cables from the transmission case. Worse still, curb accidents can disrupt the transmission fluid and cooling lines, open up your oil plan and even break off the valve completely.
Whatever problems you may notice, after hitting a curb, have experts to look at it, since they are trained to identify such faults
Flat Tire After Hitting Curb (What To Do)

You’re not alone. Many have popped their tire and caused severe damages to their tires and other parts after hitting a curb. You could have hit a curb in a parking lot and you could be wondering what sort of effects this has had on your vehicle.
Most of the time, this could only lead to a flat tire and nothing more. In certain instances, depending on your the speed at which you hit the curb and the side at which you hit it from. You could have a much severe damage.
This could range from a bent rim, distorted chassis or even a broken suspension.
Should you hit a curb, the first thing to do will be to inspect your car thoroughly to assess the sort of damages you may have incurred. This will help you understand the next steps to take depending on how things are.
In case, you notice some severe damages to your car such as broken suspension or distorted chassis – you should get your mechanic to check this and get it fixed as soon as possible.
If you’ve only experienced a flat tire, you can proceed to have the popped tire replaced with your spare tire.
Do I Need An Alignment After Hitting A Curb?
You’ve probably just hit a curb and you could be wondering, can hitting a curb mess up alignment? Let’s find out.
After hitting a curb, the wheels are bound to get distorted and out of shape. This misalignment is common with the front wheels and due to this dis-alignment, the tires of the vehicle may wobble as you drive, which is likely to make you lose control and end up having an avoidable accident.
An avoidable accident because a simple wheel alignment would have prevented it, in the first place.
In addition, after hitting a curb, due to the wheel misalignment and wobbling of the wheels, the tires are bound to wear unevenly. Uneven wear of tires makes for very uncomfortable driving due to the feeling of driving through gallops or potholes, even when you are on level ground.
Poorly aligned wheels, since they wobble, are likely to rub against neighboring structures like the fender, thereby damaging them. Finally, yes, we need an alignment after hitting a curb.(Read Also:Can A Cracked Rim Be Welded?)
How Do You Park Without Hitting The Curb?

To be able to park without hitting a curb, you need a bit of skill, since it involves parallel parking in most cases and parallel parking makes most drivers nervous. This is expected judging from the many cars and little space available.
This makes the prospect of hitting another vehicle very possible and mind-boggling. Learn how to drive without hitting a curb by getting as close to it as possible, at least not less than twelve inches from the curb when you do that on the road.
To park as close enough to the curb as possible requires diligent practice. Look at the following steps on how to go about it.
Step 1
If other cars are not present, pull into the space available that you wish to park in, either by parallel parking or by simply pulling over. However, ensure that you keep checking your mirrors and also use your signals before both stopping and parking.
Step 2
Find out to see the actual distance between your car and the curb, and if you are too far away from it, then back up with your rear wheels turned towards it.
Step 3
Thereafter, pull forward while straightening up as the car moves. You are advised to repeat these maneuvers until you are at an agreeable distance from the curb. The entire process may be challenging at first, but with repeated practice, you will eventually find out that it is really easy to execute satisfactorily.
Recommended Products
Whatever we do to ensure safe and satisfactory driving is worth it and sometimes it is better to buy a reliable product than to go for a cheaper sub-standard one, which eventually does not translate into any financial benefit, but a loss.
For instance, buying an expensive item that will serve you for a long time far out values buying a sub-standard one that will soon have to be replaced.
In fact, many such poor purchases are likely to be outlasted by a single meaningful related product, which is really value for money spent. Having said that, we will now introduce to you products that will serve you as advertised and also where to go for them.
1. Shaluoman 12-Spoke Plating Hub Wheel Rims with Soft Rubber Tyres
- They are designed using top-notch rubber for durability and easy control on the road, even at high speeds.
- They are not easily punctured by common objects that puncture other tires.
- They are suitable for most types of vehicles including those for the haulage of heavy goods.
2. Hobbypark 4-Pack-RC Car Tyres and Wheels 12mm Hex Drive Hub
- It is not glued on the rim, but instead, it is mounted on it with foam inserted.
- It is produced using tough and resilient rubber.
- This tire is marketed with the best possible deals you can get anywhere.
3. Cooper Evolution Winter 255/50R019 10H Tire
- This product is renowned for its excellent performance in variable winter conditions and also commands deep snow traction excellently.
- It is rated for use in severe weather conditions.
- Refunds and replacements are assured promptly, in cases of dissatisfaction or rejection.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Can you pop a tire on a curb
Yes, hitting a curb can lead to your tires popping. When you hit the curb at a high speed and high force this can lead to you experiencing a flat tire.
Can you get a flat tire from hitting a curb
Yes, you can certainly get a flat tire from hitting a curb. Always drive carefully to prevent your self from hitting a curb as it can not only pop you tire but cause other severe damages to your car.
Can driving over a curb damage your car
Yes, driving over a curb can cause a number of damages to your car. This could range from a flat tire, a broken suspension, a bent rim or even a distorted chassis.
Can Hitting a Curb Cause a Flat Tire – Conclusion
It is hardly ever a financially wise decision to buy sub-standard products, Â even though they are naturally cheaper.
In the end, you will surely spend more. This is especially true judging by the relevance of tires in driving safely and successfully. Whatever happens, make sure to read all the accompanying user manuals for not only tires but every product you buy.
These manuals are meant to guide you in the maintenance and proper use of your purchases. They equally inform you of the signs you are bound to see whenever there is any problem and also how best to approach such problems.
Make sure to regularly check up on your vehicle tires in order to keep yourself informed and abreast of any problems they may be developing. This way, you will not only save money but also your life and the lives of others too.
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I am passionate about all things automotive and have a deep understanding of the topic. As a mechanic, I use my free time to share knowledge of everyday challenges that any car owner can experience – helping you make informed decisions about tires.