It is okay to assume that sometime in the recent past you may have seen while driving on the highway a car with a flat tire being driven slowly along the side of the road.
A good number of persons do this without knowing whether the rims or the flat tires could be affected adversely in an irreparable way. This has necessitated the writing is this article to educate everyone out there unsure of the harm of driving with a flat tire.
So, will a flat tire damage the rim? Yes, most definitely, flat tires are capable of damaging the rim. To understand further why this happens, there is a need to explain the significant time played by the air in the tires.
The weight of the car is well supported by the inflated tire. The air allows for the accommodation of the car’s weight irrespective of the condition of the road.
A deflated tire losses this function and transmits all of the car’s weight to the next available structure which is the rim. However, unlike the inflated tires, the rim, being a solid structure will succumb to this weight and become deformed as a result.
A close analogy in this situation is the sole of sports shoes, while jogging with such shoes, you will notice that your weight is well supported by the “air” within the sole.
This ensures that you do not feel any pain in the sole of your foot. Conversely, jogging or running with a shoe not designated for sports such as cooperate shoes or a barefoot will most certainly cause a significant amount of pain in the foot.
Similarly, without air in the tires, the crushing weight of the car falls upon the rim which is unable to bear such weight and therefore begins to form a bend around its ends.
Consequently, a rim with a bent end will not fit properly with tires of appropriate size. This will lead to such tires getting deflated slowly over time.
When a rim develops a bend along the edges either due to impact with potholes, speed bumps or as a result of driving with a deflated tire, such will cause air to sip out of the tire through the bent area leading to a gradual deflation of the tire.
Individuals who constantly experience flat tires especially when there is no obvious cause such as puncture agents like broken glasses or nails should consider having their rims examined for a bend as this is one of the possible causes of tire deflation.
What is the highest duration for which a car can sit on a flat tire?
Depending on the cause of the flat tire, the cost of repair is most likely affordable. However, a flat tire could result in heavy unplanned expenses if the situation is not properly handled. Part of improper handling of a flat tire situation is allowing the car to stay parked on the flat tire for an extended time duration.
You may have probably noticed neighbors whose tires became flat after being out of use for a prolonged period. While in this state, the car is continuously left standing on a flat tire for an additional period before arrangements were made for intervention.
Following such an incidence, there is no doubt that the tire will suffer irreparable damage and that the car owner will have to buy a new tire.
So, from spending a little amount of money on fixing the cause of a flat tire, one can easily fall into having to buy a brand-new tire when the flat tire is not promptly addressed.
Aside from this, there are other consequences associated with leaving a car with a flat tire to sit for too long on it. This includes the subject of our discussion which is damage to the rim.
The rim of an airless tire is susceptible to potentially severe damage which will require an extra cost to fix when the flat tire is allowed to sit that way for a long period.
So, in the event of a flat tire, how long is considered too long? Well, to be on the safer side, it is best to avoid this completely. That is, once you experience a flat tire, rather than simply leaving the car parked in this state, ensure to have the tire fixed as soon as possible. This should ideally not exceed an overnight period.
As for those who allow a car with a flat tire to sit for an incredibly long period, they also risk rusting the rim. As the car’s weight presses against the deflated tire, it damages the fabric of the tire as well as its wiring, this will completely ruin the tire.
The rim in this condition may be in direct contact with the floor. Its exposure to moisture during rainy seasons will lead to rusting.
Is it okay to allow a flat tire to stay overnight?
At this point, you would have realized that the duration for which the car is allowed to sit on a flat tire greatly determines the degree of damage that will be done to the tire as well as the rim. So, is sitting overnight considered a long period?
An overnight duration may not be considered too long, however, this could over time contribute to the premature deterioration of the tire before its expiry date.
Irrespective of efforts put in to avoid the flat tire from sitting for too long, sometimes, one may not have a choice other than to let the car sit this way. This could be a result of financial constraints or other similar factors. However, even in this condition, The car’s situation can still be helped by lifting it off the flat tire using a jack.
Simply place a jack below the part of the car with a flat tire to get this part elevated. This method however is a temporary solution and should only be used for a short time duration such as throughout one night, after which the situation should be fully addressed.
By so doing, the weight of the car is no longer pressing on the tire or the rim, therefore, will not cause further damage to either of the two. Aside from making use of a jack, you can also choose the option of completely dismounting the flat tire from the wheel axle.
When the tire and the rim are removed from the wheel axle, they are removed from the position of having to bear the weight of the car and will consequently be saved from damages associated with this.
How long can a car be driven with a flat tire?
As sighted in the introductory paragraph, it is not uncommon to see cars with a flat tire being driven although slowly by the roadside, however, as mentioned here, this is an expensive endeavor as you risk causing permanent damage to the tire fabric and wiring.
The magnitude of the damage associated with a flat tire sitting for a prolonged period is less compared to what the tires or the rim as well as other connected structures could potentially suffer from when the car with a flat tire is driven this way. Its damaging effect extends beyond the tires.
Yes, it is understandable that when the tire goes flat while your final destination is within arm’s length or while in the middle of nowhere it could be tempting to continue to drive this way until you get to your destination or find a repair shop.
However, this will not only lead to a permanent tire age but may also create other problems for accessory components such as the rim, and suspension.
The longest recommended distance for which a car with a flat tire can be driven is what it takes to have the car properly parked.
The car should not be left in the middle of traffic on a count of a flat tire, it should be moved to a good parking position where it is not likely to be hit or scratched by other vehicles or road users.
How to deal with a flat tire?
From the previous paragraphs in this text, there is clear evidence demonstrating the dangers associated with driving with a flat tire and why this should be avoided at all costs. However, what is the right approach to a flat tire?
In the face of a flat tire, there is no need to panic or feel helpless especially when you have a functional spare tire. The flat tire, with the aid of a jack and other tools, can be removed and replaced with the spare.
In the absence of functional space, the flat can be removed and taken to the nearest repair station. If none of this is feasible, with a patch or plug, and little or no experience, the puncture site can be fixed within a short time duration. Rather than waiting on the repair team, this seems a more expeditious route to take.
Will Flat Tire Damage Rim – Conclusion
Irrespective of how much haste you feel you are in; it is preferable to avoid driving with a flat tire no matter how short the distance is.
This is because such an act puts your tire, the rim, and other connected structures at risk of further damage which often time is irreparable.
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I am passionate about all things automotive and have a deep understanding of the topic. As a mechanic, I use my free time to share knowledge of everyday challenges that any car owner can experience – helping you make informed decisions about tires.